Acting authentically and ethically,
in constant dialogue with our stakeholders


We share with the Südzucker Group a strong commitment to ethics, transparency and good governance.

We share with the Südzucker Group a strong commitment to ethics, transparency and good governance. For several years now, the Group has setting up a compliance programme, covering all areas and laying down fundamental principles for acting in compliance with the law and regulations to promote fair and respectful working conditions.

The Group has established a rigorous governance process:

  • Südzucker “Code of conduct” shared and integrated into supplier specifications
  • Identification of a “compliance officer”
  • Anonymous process for launching alerts

Contracts with farmers based on a clear and transparent beet payment scale, drawn up in conjunction with the Value Allocation Commission (Commission de Répartition de la Valeur – CRV)


Reducing our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions

> Contribute to achieve the Südzucker Group’s objectives, as validated by SBTi* :
– 50% reduction in scopes 1 and 2
– 30% reduction in scope 3

*Objectives validated to contribute to global carbon neutrality by 2050 and to achieve a global warming trajectory limited to 1.5°C compared to the pre-industrial era. SBTi: Science Based Targets initiative, which encourages companies to set greenhouse gas emission reduction targets in line with current scientific data on climate change.

We are stepping up our investments and our teams are working on the continuous improvement of processes and equipment. These actions have enabled a 23% reduction in the CO2 emitted during the transformation of beet into sugar between 2018 and 2022. These results were achieved thanks to a strategy of reducing and decarbonising the energy used. In 8 years, 8 projects have been carried out at our two sugar factories in Roye and Étrépagny to reach this reduction.

Source: CO2 emissions ETS scope 1 in kg eqCO2/Tonne of granulated sugar 2018/2022

Investing to decarbonise our activities
Promoting rail transport

At the end of 2022, Saint Louis Sucre became the first sugar producer in France to transport limestone by rail, which is essential for sugar production for our sugar factory in Etrapagny. This represents a saving of 10 tonnes of CO2 per train, or 235 tonnes per year.

Decarbonising our transport involves optimising our flows and using fuels that emit less CO2. With this in mind, we are working with the Delisle group, which offers a range of biofuels based on French rapeseed for over 40% of our bulk transport to industrial customers. This biofuel reduces greenhouse gas emissions by 60% and fine particle emissions from transport by 80%, compared with diesel trucks. We keep studying additional solutions that will enable us to go even further in this direction.

Building on French biofuels


Responsible sourcing and traceability

Committed to building responsible and perpetual supply chains, we ensure respect for human rights and the environment. In this way, we build and maintain long-term relationships with our suppliers: local farmers, industrial partners and trusted packaging suppliers. We are constantly evolving our practices towards greater transparency and traceability in our supply chain, recognised by various external certificates.

Particularly, Südzucker group is certified Ecovadis at the Silver level, which places the group among the top 25% of companies evaluated.

Our objective:
> reach Gold level in 2024.

At Saint Louis Sucre, our supplies are increasingly responsible: our beetroot is REDCert Gold certified, a standard recognised by the SAI (Sustainable Agriculture Initiative) platform, an independent organisation that validates the sustainability of agricultural practices and whose specifications are more demanding every year.

Saint Louis Sucre golden beet!