L’un de nos principaux engagements est de garantir leur sécurité, leur santé et leur qualité de vie au travail.

Taking care of our employees


Safety at work for our employees has been one of the pillars of our internal policy for many years, through the Sugar Division’s Safety First program. We are well aware of the risks associated with our business and do everything we can to avoid them. We are also committed to quality of life at work, which involves a number of key issues: work-life balance, recognition, skills development, employability and career development.

> Zero workplace accidents by 2025
> Maintain training at 3% of the wage bill (the French average is 1.4%, source INSEE)
> 2% contribution to supplementary pension plan.


Enabling each and every one of us to take action at our own level to promote the ecological transition and local dynamism

Our aim is to enable everyone to act enthusiastically at their own level to promote the ecological transition and the dynamism of our regions. Our employees are first and foremost citizens who expect these commitments from a company like ours.

> By 2025, annual development interviews will include a sustainable development section.

Since 2023, our profit-sharing agreement has included sustainable development indicators for all our employees. These criteria include water use, reduction of CO2 emissions and duration of soil cover.

Saint Louis Sucre Cultivating responsibility for all